Oscar Tusk

Oscar Tusk is an Elder and High Council member of the Coven of the Black Sun. The Coven is founded upon the ancient concept that creation is in a constant state of turmoil and shifting balance. We consider this state to be the natural result of the ages-old constant struggle for dominance between the Black Sun and the Bright Sun.

Witchcraft figures Prominently in the necessary task of maintaining equilibrium in creation, sometimes adopting the practices of the Black Sun, and other times those of the Bright Sun. Our practices therefore include both left-hand and right-hand pathways of magic. We approach divination and conjuration in a manner totally unlike most existing styles of traditional craft. 

For more information on the cosmology which governs our practices, we invite you to read “The Creed” which is accessible by clicking on the site menu. A summary of the history of the Coven of the Black Sun in the Americas is accessible using the site menu (click on “Coven of the Black Sun”).  If you’re curious about what it’s like to live and work in a large compound of witches, refer to the ongoing journal, also accessible via the site menu as “The Compound”. 

The Coven has a large membership, primarily in the North American Southeast and especially in the region known as Appalachia. We maintain compounds and lodges in five U.S. States.